СО.ГТО.11. A platform for performing the test "Flexion — extension of the arms in a get down on the floor with a platform for fixing the results"
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Designed for the preparation and implementation of the standard test of the GTO complex "Flexion — extension of the arms lying on the floor", general physical training.
The complex consists of a metal frame and a platform.
Technical description
Technical description
All elements of the complex are fastened with bolted connections. The frame is made of steel profile, the platform is made of plywood, a counter is installed. Painting of metal parts with polymer-powder or permanent anti-corrosion paint, resistant to difficult atmospheric conditions, abrasion, UV exposure.
The installation of the complex is carried out with the obligatory concreting of the support pillars in the ground.
Depth of concreting of racks: 300 mm
The thickness of the platform: not less than 15 mm